Date Thu, Jun 02, 2022


Based on its interest in the educational process and the development of the system in general, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is, in this decade, consolidating the foundations and systems of modern education in the stages of general education by introducing many new policies and modern applications to develop education, the most important of which are the national Nafis tests.

The Kingdom aims to raise the efficiency of all elements of the educational process by applying the National Nafis tests to schools, by shortening the efforts and experiences of several years in introducing this test, which will undoubtedly evaluate and modify all branches of the educational process automatically, and will also provide the Ministry of Education with the most accurate data and results about the level of students and schools.

What are the National Nafes tests?

The National Nafis tests are considered among the most important tests prepared by the Education and Training Evaluation Commission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in coordination with the Ministry of Education, with the aim of measuring some skills among students at the end of the various educational stages, in accordance with the educational curricula in public, private and international schools.

The answer to the question of what are the national Nafis tests becomes clearer by knowing that they are tests that are not based on the foundations and objectives of the general tests for the academic years, because they do not depend on the principle of student success or failure, but rather aim to accurately reveal their level in some skills in educational subjects.

The results of the national Nafis tests are a more realistic and clear monitoring of the student’s level, with the aim of developing the educational system in general, and revealing the students’ strengths and weaknesses, in order to evaluate and address them later.

The National Nafis tests enable the Saudi Ministry of Education to develop education in a realistic way, due to the high accuracy in revealing students’ abilities, and the high-definition data it transmits about their level of academic achievement.

Subjects targeted in the national Nafis tests

The Education and Training Evaluation Commission, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is attempting to generalize the national Nafis tests to include all primary and intermediate schools, for the first time in the history of the educational system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, targeting no less than 500,000 male and female students in the Kingdom.

As for the subjects targeted in the national Nafis tests, they do not measure the student’s skills in all academic subjects, but rather in only three subjects, which are:

  • Reading.
  • the sciences.
  • mathematics.

Most of the subjects targeted in the national Nafis tests require the student to develop some skills to facilitate their achievement, and therefore the website contributes through its training courses to developing its students in all educational subjects at the hands of the best teachers and specialists in the curricula, by following modern learning systems, using advanced educational strategies, in addition to individual learning to ensure the student’s focus.

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Classes that take the National Nafis tests

The National Nafis tests are also applied at the end of each educational stage, not every academic year, in order to determine the extent of students’ academic achievement throughout the intervening educational stages. This clarifies the required necessities and needs for developing the educational process, as well as amending anything that prevents the student from understanding or disrupts his educational path in the correct manner.

The academic grades that take the NAFIS national tests are limited to three grades, each of which represents the end of an academic stage. The academic grades that take the NAFIS national tests are three grades:

Third grade:

It is considered the final grade of the early education stage, and thus students’ abilities are measured to determine their level of achievement during the first three years of education.

Sixth grade:

It represents the final grade of the primary education stage, including the third grade of primary school. Through it, the level of students in the previous grades is measured, starting from the first grade to the sixth grade, to ensure the academic abilities of each student and his achievement of the targeted standards.

Third Intermediate Grade:

It is the ninth grade, which represents the final stage of the middle school grades, and in it the student’s level of achievement is measured in all previous grades, including the primary and middle school stages.

Objectives of the National Nafis Tests

The National Nafis tests were imposed not only to measure the level of achievement of students in the primary and intermediate stages, but also to achieve other goals that provide the student with many benefits, in addition to the importance resulting from this for educational bodies and various administrations.

Therefore, the objectives of the National Nafis tests vary in terms of importance, whether for parents, students, or the Ministry of Education, to include:

  • Helping parents of students to know the level of teachers and the schools in which their children study, and thus revealing the reasons for the decline or rise in the student’s level more accurately, as well as contributing indirectly to schools raising the status of their competencies and the capabilities of their teachers; to attract more students.
  • Positive impact on schools and educational institutions to raise their educational level, as the national Nafis tests reveal the level of most schools and education in them, and thus these tests create an attempt to compete fairly between schools in ways that distinguish them from others, which increases their keenness to follow the correct educational systems, and address all classroom errors, in addition to what they will gain from increased demand for them by families and students.
  • Knowing and revealing students’ true abilities more accurately than in general tests for academic years, and thus correcting and assessing the problems they face that appear during the test, and quickly addressing errors before it is too late and years pass.
  • Assist in measuring the indicators of national tests in the Human Capacity Development Program, which helps support the achievement of its targeted standards, and thus contributes to raising the level of students and developing education indirectly.
  • Revealing the nature of educational outcomes and educational performance within schools and classrooms is one of the most important objectives of the National Nafis tests, as it measures the extent to which different educational styles and strategies affect the student’s ability to achieve the required educational goals, and thus address or change them to become more appropriate for students and for the educational outcomes that the student is intended to achieve.
  • Contributing to better preparing students to be able to take international and external tests, which later helps the student to complete his studies abroad, as well as obtain some scholarships that help him to plan better for his future.

Schedule of National Nafes Exams

In the belief of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the importance of the National Nafis tests, the timetable for the National Nafis tests has been set so that all students in the targeted stages can prepare to take the test and prepare in advance for it in a manner befitting it.

The schedule for the national Nafis tests also specified the test dates for the academic stages as follows:

  • Third and sixth grade primary school students will take the Nafis National Exams starting from 10/11/1443 AH until 15/11/1443 AH.
  • As for third-grade middle school or ninth-grade students, the national Nafis tests will be held for them starting from 11/6/1443 AH until 11/9/1443 AH.

Therefore, it is clear to you from the above that the National Nafis tests are a general and comprehensive questionnaire through which the level of all parties and elements of the educational process is measured, starting with the student, passing through the teacher and the schools that contain both parties of the educational process, and reaching the educational administrations and the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

From what has been discussed, the answer to the most important question is clear to you, which is: What are the National Nafis tests?, as well as the targeted subjects in the National Nafis tests, and the most important grades that take the National Nafis tests, in addition to clarifying the most important objectives of the National Nafis tests, and what are the implications of applying this system to the student, the school, and the Kingdom, in addition to the importance of focusing on the timetable for the National Nafis tests; to ensure remembering the test date and preparing for it well.

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